Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are Wolfram's ideas essential for string theory?

… in seeking the laws of nature it is the essence of the art of science to avoid complexity. – Steven Weinberg

The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. – Linus Pauling

    Is Wolfram’s “A New Kind of Science” a serious rival to Newton’s “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” and to Einstein’s “The Meaning of Relativity”? The vast majority of physicists might answer, “No testable predictions – no serious rivalry.” But what answer does physical reality give? Does the physics of the multiverse have three logically equivalent models: the algebraic, the computational, and the M-theoretic continuum? Is the multiverse essentially a Fredkin-Wolfram information process that performs string theoretic calculations? Does our universe contain paradigm-breaking photons that prove beyond doubt that Wolfram is basically correct?

    Does a big bang come from a quantum vacuum, a black hole, or something else? Is a paradigm-breaking photon an empirical proof that big bangs originate from black holes in alternate universes? In string theory dynamics, is Guth’s inflation the mathematical dual of the emergence of a paradigm-breaking photon?

   Does the multiverse have 3 basic laws? Is the multiverse a Fredkin-Wolfram information process that computes strings? Is it impossible to transmit information from one alternate universe to another alternate universe? Are quantum electrodynamics and general relativity theory valid except at ultra-high energy densities in which superstrings approach observability?

    String theorists have a natural method for computing predictions, or they don’t.  Does the fundamental model of the multiverse consist of Fredkin-Wolfram conglomerate, a Wolfram updating parameter, and mathematical axioms?

   If string theorists have a computational method, then do they have an approximate computational model of the multiverse? If there is no ultra-weird digitization of the event horizon of a black hole, then how can string theorists derive an information process to compute predictions? Does the emergence of paradigm-breaking photons from black holes severely limit the logical possibilities for string theory dynamics?

   What is string theory’s explanation of dark energy? Is the answer simply to develop the mathematics of pre-update Fredkin-Wolfram conglomerate, post-update Fredkin-Wolram conglomerate, and the M-theoretic analogue of the Casimir-Lifshitz effect?

    Just as the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum physics is causal but non-local, is the ultimate proto-physics both proto-causal and proto-non-local with energy and spacetime merely secondary constructions? Is the ultimate proto-physics vastly weirder and more comprehensible than quantum physics but with the added attraction of the mathematical depth of M-theory?



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